Your credit histories will always remain separate, and one doesn't affect the other. After you're married, the future loans and credit cards you will be able to make either joint (will show up in both credit histories), or individual, in which case the other's credit history doesn't matter. With his good credit you should be able to open joint accounts, and if you use it responsibly, it will quickly improve your own credit. But if you mess it up, it will damage the credit histories for both of you.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Will my not so great credit affect my future husbands credit once we are married?
I heard a woman assumes a mans credit upon marriage. But is this not true for both parties once applying for joint accounts or loans???? How does this work and will it affect our financial future? How long?Will my not so great credit affect my future husbands credit once we are married?
Your credit histories will always remain separate, and one doesn't affect the other. After you're married, the future loans and credit cards you will be able to make either joint (will show up in both credit histories), or individual, in which case the other's credit history doesn't matter. With his good credit you should be able to open joint accounts, and if you use it responsibly, it will quickly improve your own credit. But if you mess it up, it will damage the credit histories for both of you.mineral foundation
Your credit histories will always remain separate, and one doesn't affect the other. After you're married, the future loans and credit cards you will be able to make either joint (will show up in both credit histories), or individual, in which case the other's credit history doesn't matter. With his good credit you should be able to open joint accounts, and if you use it responsibly, it will quickly improve your own credit. But if you mess it up, it will damage the credit histories for both of you.
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