Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why do men get married when biologically, its hard for them to stay faithful?

they know they are going to get bored with one woman, and then they are going to be trapped and hurt the woman? . Why not just stay single and date? Whats the point of marriage anyway besides financial security?Why do men get married when biologically, its hard for them to stay faithful?
First of all,women are always crying about why we dont want to get married,now you are saying why do we??

P.S. women cheat too..... ALOTWhy do men get married when biologically, its hard for them to stay faithful?
Men same as with women are turned into hoes when there hearts have been broke 1 2 many times. now a days women get bored just as quickley as men do. 2 say that all men will not be faithful is unnecessary. personally when i find that right woman i am willing to give up all the other monk and stick to my one woman. maby the people you have been talking to rushed into things to soon. if you are not willing to stay faithful you are not truely in love and dont need 2 be together in the first place. Also there are some things the woman can work on to not anoy the hell out of the man and make him want to run off and cheat. There is no point in marriage but to make your woman happy with the fancy wedding she has always been dreaming about. make money get monk mnm productions.
Um news flash here, that is not just limited to men Women get just as bored with the same old tired experience. Biology has nothing to do with it, it is about maturity and self control which is not a gender controlled condition. You can keep it zipped with just as much ease or difficulty as we can keep'em closed. Don't try to pass your personal lack of character and weakness off on biology
Biologically all women's anatomy are basically the same, but when a Man touches another woman outside of his marriage that drive is very forceful and usually caused by some sort of disappointment in the current marriage.

No matter how pleasant of wonderful it's to make love to another woman from a Man's point of view's the wife he should be concentrating.

I found out that when my wife and I began to show less interest in sex it became a problem and having an affair only solved the heart for affection, but not my marriage.

Keeping the flame burning in a marriage is much easier said then done.
Then you have to ask the question 'why do women marry if they don't care for sex'.

Why get married if you barely ever want sex. Why not just get a roommate.

I will tell you why. Because no woman could keep a man as a roommate if it weren't for sex. OK... a few could.

I agree... there is no reason to marry.

I don't believe in it and wouldn't suggest anyone ever gets married.

The men want sex and women want money and security... unless both agree to meet each others primary needs and STAY that way... then why get married?
THATS stupid and it sounds like a hillbilly excuse that sum fatfock would use to condone jizzin his peen out of it's tighty whitys.

And NEWS FLASH women have financial security now , its not the 1600... we can work and are educated now...trapped and hurt you sound like a BIG pussssiiie.....

ppl do hurt others, but then to carry around so much bitterness is not attractive.
I don't buy that biologically it's hard to stay faithful. AS long as your wife is a functioning female, it's not for biological reasons that someone stays unfaithful. That's a cop out.
Where is your evidence? With your opinions you would have the human race becoming extinct within the next 100 years. Since you feel this way you may want to consider becoming a monk or a nun.
Men marry for sex, women marry for financial security.
Whew. Mindy needs to switch to decaf. Most men will give marriage a chance; few last. At least we try. You are right: We will cheat.
CORRECTION: It is a social, spiritual, and maturity problem, not a biological one.
They get caught up in the passion of the moment and think they are in love. They think this girl is different and this feeling will last. It doesn't.
Unfaithfulness is not biological . It has to do with the Individuel man . Some men are very faithful and some are just jerks .
There's nothing biological about people cheating..... grow up and look at the problem for what it really is, the person's inability to commit. I've known just as many women to cheat as men...
it's not 'men' in general - maybe you're biologically ugly and that's why your man cheats on you. :-)
not all men behave that way. Just as many females cheat as men do.

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