They already have the freedom to have their ';relationships'; in the privacy of their own homes. Also, they have their freedom to gross everyone out with their perverted, godless, lifestyles. Yesterday, I was in Wal-Mart, and I saw two guys holding hands. Sick!
So why do they need us to redefine the definition of marriage just to suit their lifestyle, which God's Word has defined as an abomination?Why do gays fight so hard to get the right to get married?
I sense that you have a few gay tendencies yourself, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to bash people who are doing nothing but living their lives as they wish and following their hearts.
As George Carlin said (wise man, R.I.P) about the homophobia that so many men harbor, ';It isn't the queer outside they fear, but the queer within.';Why do gays fight so hard to get the right to get married?
You don't really want an answer to this question, do you? You just wanted to get your own opinion on the issue out there.
Nevertheless, here's my answer. I can't really speak for any gay people out there, but I assume they want to get married for the same reasons heterosexual couples do - for example, because they are in love, they want to share their happiness with friends and family, they want to demonstrate their commitment to the world by taking vows to love and honour that person for the rest of their life.
I am not gay myself, but I do not find the idea of men holding hands in any way offensive, and can't fathom what is 'sick' about it.
Also, you may have noticed that not everyone is a Christian. Those that aren't probably don't much care if ';God's Word'; defines their relationship as an abomination or not. Of course it's possible to be gay and consider yourself a Christian (though I'm sure you would feel the two are mutually exclusive) - in which case I suppose you would probably assume something like A) God is forgiving or B) maybe homophobic church leaders have warped ';God's Word'; to their own ends or C) whatever the hell you want to assume that allows you to live your life the way you want.
Looking forward to all the thumbs down from your intolerant brethren!
What difference does it make to you whether they can marry or not? How is it personally affecting you?
Answer: It's not.
And now I invite you to compare the ratio of the number of verses in the New Testament condemning homosexuality to the number of verses in the New Testament condemning Christians who presume to judge non-Christians. You might be surprised.
Hint: Matthew 7.
God's word defined it as an ';abomination'; in Leviticus, right next to prohibitions against wearing fabrics of mixed fibers, eating shellfish, and explanations of the proper way to sell your daughter into slavery. Please do some reading on your own and try to be intelligent about this.
That's not the main question. The main question is, why do radical conservatives and extremist fundamentalists fight so hard to twist God's word into political oppression that keeps citizens from having the same legal rights as heterosexuals.
All gay people want is equal rights under the law. You conservatives seem to think you're the only ones entitled to marriage.
Gays are denied rights afforded to heterosexuals, such as inheritance and hospital visitation rights in the event of unconsciousness.
it's fine to suggest that homosexual acts are an abomination (if a bit bigoted), but what you don't seem to understand is that basing legislation on religious beliefs is fine, as long as YOUR religious perspective is in the majority. What happens to Christianity when Muslims form a majority in the US and they want to ban Christians trying to convert other people in the US, the way it's illegal in other countries. Then, suddenly, basing laws on religious convictions doesn't seem like such a good idea, does it?
They want to make sincere declarations of the love and trust they hold for their spouse and they want them to be recognised the same way that those declarations love between a man and a women are recognised.
I cannot argue against that, to do so is to bring tragedy(Even in the Shakespearean sense) upon your fellow man, something I cannot do with a clean conscience.
I am not religious, or homosexual but that is what I think.
For the same reason interracial couples did.
Do you believe that because your specific religion forbids something it should be outlawed?
If you want to restrict the freedoms of others based on your beliefs, you oppose religious freedom. You're evil. You're no different that somebody whose barbaric religion forbids, say, interracial marriage and is not satisfied with not practicing it himself, but wants to prevent everybody else - even non-believers - from being allowed to do as they choose.
You're the reason christians are hated and despised.
P.S. Interracial marriage wasn't legal in all 50 states until 2000, because of people like you.
First of all, not everyone follows ';God's word';. This country shouldn't be biased to the beliefs of one religion, especially since not everyone follows it. Gay people fight for the right to get married because they are in love and deserve the same rights as straight couples.
You seem to be a very selfish individual. You think only of yourself, and have no compassion for your fellow man. Is that how christians are? Not everyone who gets married in this country is a christian. Are they sick as well, or are you just insecure and self-conscious about homosexuals for some increasingly obvious reason?
I have mixed feelings on this issue.
On one hand I realize homosexuals want the freedoms and privileges that married couples receive and want to feel closer to each other.
On the other hand I realize that Christians and other religious people that recognize marriage want to keep it ';holy'; and between a man and a woman.
Honestly I think we should just slap a new name onto marriage for homosexuals. This bickering is annoying.
I wonder if the queers are having any luck in the middle east ,Russia,China and south America.It looks to me like there agendas are only getting traction in the morally corrupt western world.They will eventually win and just like they helped to Destroy ancient Greece and Roman empires with there filthy lust and acts they will do it again here as the old saying goes History repeats it's self.
I don't know why anyone in their right mind would want the possibility of losing half of their estate unless love is in the equation. If you don't have the same rights that everyone else has, then you are not a full citizen. I think then partial citizens should not be forced to pay full taxes. I am sorry for the lack of love, and insecurity you apparently feel.I hope your god can help you out with this.
I don't know why but I know in Florida they define marriage as one man and one woman. (I define it the same way). I guess they feel like it because..... I don't know. I have some gay friends but they don't do their stuff in public, I guess its for the attention they get from people staring at you.
You disgust me. How dare you put quotes around the word relationship. My relationship with my boyfriend is as normal and natural as any straight relationship. Love is love. Oh my god I can't even come up with an answer for your sick, bigoted question. You will burn in hell for your hateful ignorant ways.
You keep in mind that Jesus wanted you to love your neighbor as yourself... You're so into God's words yet you're sitting here bashing someones orientation as if they don't or shouldn't exist. Your religion doesn't apply to everyone. The bible DOES NOT dictate every law, not everyone has the same belief... Those that think they're right all the time know NOTHING. If you already know everything you can’t learn ‘nothing’. If you know that you know nothing, you can potentially, learn everything. So, you can stop twisting God's word around. Stop fighting so hard to do that... That's what is really defined as a abomination.
Love your neighbor as yourself.... That should explain why they fight so hard to get their rights.
If this is a sick attempt at humor, than congratulations!
If not, you're still mind-blowingly sick.
Dreamstuff Entity is right, people like you are the reason Christianity is hated %26amp; feared.
Gone gay-bashing lately?
Since you get tax breaks and other benefits for the State recognizing your heterosexual relationship, why should homosexuals be excluded? Maybe we should just have the IRS remove ';married'; from the tax laws so everyone pays the ';single'; taxpayer rates.
They think if the social arena accepts their life style....
then they think their behavior is acceptable and not sin!
It is an abomination to God!
We are to Love them and point them in the right direction! (Jesus)!
People should follow Truth because there is No Other Way!!!
The Christian religion is you can accept the
Truth or take the Path to Destruction!
The damnation of souls can and does affect Christians!
The blood of the ';damned'; soul is credited to us...
if we do or say nothing!
Because there's no reason to treat them like second-class citizens.
Would you prefer us to use the original definition of marriage, where women are viewed as property to be exchanged?
What we resist persist's , just like the War on ------. this is a dualistic reality we are in , and each side is a supporting structure for the other.
why did blacks fight so hard that they wouldn't have to sit in the back of the bus? the only reason you're ranting about this is because you're a baby and can't handle gay people holding hands, get over yourself!
Because their opponenst are fighting even harder. Why would a church spends 10's of millions of dollars to fight it, when that money could obviously go to much better charitable use.
look its their choice let them be the bible also says fornication is an abomination but be honest who listens to that
Yeah, those silly and annoying gays. Wanting to be treated as if they were people or something.
Homophobic... much?...
Why are religious people fighting so hard to prevent them from being able to get married? HOW DOES IT AFFECT YOU!?!?!?
Well did you enjoy your heaping dose of bigotry today?
I think you're parodying the typical close-minded type Christian, but I'm not sure. If not, then ask your God to stop making them gay and then he can complain about what they do.
The correct answer is to keep marriage as it is, but make up some seperate thing for gays, and be clear that this is something seperate that is not marriage but is being created for the illusion of equal rights, while keeping marriage as it has always been
Because they have ';rights'; which they can impose on everyone who disagrees with their ';lifestyle';
I understand your point and agree with you. The problem is that most people in here don't. They call people like you and I bigots and hate mongers. I doubt this answer will even make it before the question is reported.
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